The Music Performance Sample should be uploaded online to the application by December 1.
The Music Teaching Sample should be uploaded online to the application by December 1.
Resume An updated resume is required as part of the application process. Personal Statement Tell us about your goals and objectives in pursuing a graduate degree. Teaching & Research Portfolio Include each of the following four (4) items in your portfolio: Teaching Video This video should showcase your instructional skills within your area of music specialization. The video should be approximately 30 minutes in length, capturing an uninterrupted or edited segment of a class session or rehearsal (not a final performance). Provide a brief statement contextualizing the video in 1-2 paragraphs. Letters of Reference
Resume An updated resume is required for this application. Clinical Videos Applicants must submit two separate clinical demonstration videos that meet these requirements: 1. Each video must be 10 minutes in length. 2. At some point across the two videos, applicants must show substantial evidence of clinical musical abilities on guitar, keyboard, and voice. 3. One video should pertain to a pediatric population. The other video should pertain to an adult or adolescent population. 4. One video must involve facilitation of therapy in a group format. The other video should involve facilitation of an individual session. 5. No actual clients should be captured in the videos. If any videos are submitted that include clients, they will be returned and not evaluated as part of the application. Applicants should instead create videos of therapeutic simulations, asking friends, family members, or co-workers to participate in the videos and to role-play clinical populations. Written Treatment Plan Applicants must submit a written treatment plan for each of the submitted clinical videos (total of two treatment plans). Each treatment plan must describe the intended clinical population and specify the treatment goals and objectives that were addressed. Teaching and Research Portfolio This portfolio must include the following five written documents: