Composition Portfolio

Request Info

Undergraduate applicants to the composition program at the Frost School of Music must follow the audition requirements for their primary instrument/voice in one of the following genres: Contemporary, Jazz, or Classical. All instruments/genres require a prescreening video be uploaded along with the application before an audition is granted. Please check the requirements for your specific instrument/voice by using the clickable links on the left-hand menu. 

Upload your portfolio files along with any required prescreen videos for your instrument/voice with your Frost supplemental application. The Early Action submission deadline is November 1 and the Regular Decision deadline is December 1.  

  • Upload 3 to 4 representative samples of music scores that you have composed. Scores should be your original works (not arrangements).
  • Upload one document that lists links to recordings of those pieces. The links listed on the document should be to audio files of your compositions if available (such as Youtube, Soundcloud, or your own website).  It is preferable that these audio files are recordings of performances, but you may also submit MIDI renditions if necessary. 
